Wednesday, February 08, 2006


This evening was WONDERFUL! My mom is home from the hospital and we had a good time. She was tired and had to rest some but we spent a lot of time talking and laughing and just trying to enjoy a feeling of normalacy. Shawn and Amanda are here and Steve came over too. My aunt Shirley was there and of course Heather. We just felt almost normal tonight. A "new normal" as Oprah and Darby say.

One thing that I'm starting to realize is that we are really blessed. We just have such a huge circle of support. Friends, family, church, and neighbors are just coming out of the woodwork. People have offered financial help, transportation, food and most of all prayers and an ear to listen to us. We are going to be okay!

My mom has made the decision to go to Tulsa to the Cancer Center of America. They are supposed to call back tommorow before noon to let her know for sure if her insurance will cover it. Which if that's where she is supposed to be God will make sure that isn't a problem. Talking to them and reading over the information has given us hope. And that is what we need. I think she has made a good decision for herself. She will be going there at the earliest Monday and the latest on Thursday.

We have lots of family and friends coming in this weekend to spend time with us before we start our new journey. I'm sure it will be a busy overwhelming weekend but we need to see everyone and people need to see mom. I think it's easy to imagine the worst but when you see her she just looks like she did before.

Enough rambling! To bed I go and I'm sleeping tonight I swear!!!


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