Friday, March 10, 2006

Best Day

This has just been the best day! First my mom got her PET scan results back. They had told her the last time in Chicago that she had some spots on her liver and one on her lung that they thought were cancer. So they did the PET scan to see where it had spread to. And the PET scan shows that it is still contained in the pancreas and blood vessels around it. So that is WONDERFUL!!! It hasn't spread which gives us more time. Very good news.

It sure is funny how my perception of good and bad news has changed in the last month. They gave us the same exact diagnosis on February 6th and it was just horrifying. Now it seems like we won the lottery. Not that she has it but that it hasn't spread. It's just amazing to me. We take any piece of good that we can get!

And then I got a call from my nurse with my blood test results from my A1c diabetes check. It was a 6.3 which is almost normal. It's gone down quite a bit in 3 months. Once you are at a 6.5 you are no longer at risk for the side effects of diabetes like kidney failure, blindness, and foot loss, so that is great. And then the normal range is 4.0-6.0 so I'm almost normal. My goal for the next three months is to get to a 5.7. That would make me a very happy girl!!!

More later!

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