Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Oh God I don't want to post this. Writing it makes it too real. My mom has pancreatic cancer. I don't even know how to explain what this is like. I feel like somehow the world has enclosed on us and we just can't get air. I don't think it is real yet and I don't think I can really grasp it all yet...

My mom has always been the funniest toughest lady I know. And to know there is something like this inside her is unreal to me. My mom can fix everything! She is like magic all the time. And this is something she can't fix and that's not okay with us.

We are looking at MD Anderson in Houston and The Cancer Center of America in Tulsa for some more information and help. I swear I would backpack around the world until I found someone that can help her. I've just got to believe that God will guide us to someone that can give us some hope...

I can't write anymore


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