Sunday, November 12, 2006


Darby and I both are really wanting an iPOD. We want them so we can listen to our own music at the gym, not just the cheesy music they play over the speakers. We both really want the iPod, we talk about the iPod, we track down places in town where the iPod's are sold but we still don't have an iPod. As much as we want one we don't want to pay for one... They cost some bills folks and we all know that Darby and I are both trying to save the bills... So I think I found the solution to the iPod dilemia. No they aren't going on the Christmas list and we aren't gonna beat up someone at the gym and take theirs. We are gonna enter the Get a Free iPod from Now! and win one! That is my plan!!! They give away a free iPod every single day! How flipping cool is that. We are bound to win one eventually!!!


1 comment:

Matt said...

I highly recommend getting an iPod if you can. Which one are you going after? My family has a pretty large collection so I've used most of them and my personal favorite is the video iPod because of it's video capabilities (obviously). Good luck in the sweepstakes.