Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Early Morning

Morning came way to early today! I don't feel rested at all!!! I'm still way tired. I feel like I was in bed long enough just didn't sleep well. I tossed and turned forever and then had some really weird stupid dreams. Sometimes I wonder what in the world my subconcious is up to because I dream some very odd things.

I have court today so I'm actually dressing up for work. Shocking! I think I've been wearing jeans to work for two weeks now. I'm spoiled. Have a good day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie,
I really enjoy your blog! I came upon it by "accident" when I was looking (for all things!) any info on dermacia! You mentioned it in one of your blogs waaaay.... back! Anyway, once I started reading your posts, and especially about your Mom, I had to go back and find out what was happening... I must tell you that I cried a lot and my heart went out to you as you struggled through the terrible ordeal of your Mom's illness. I have 2 children (23 and 22) and I know that if I had to "leave" them, it would be so hard... I admire you for being so good to your Mom and for being so strong. The holidays are a tough time for everyone, but especially so when the loss of a loved one is so recent. My prayers go out to you and I will keep up with you through your blog! Hugs to you! Take Care! Holley in San Antonio, Texas